Dal focus group al primo design | borse mamma Nivaria - Nivaria

From focus group to first design | Nivaria mother bags

Creating a bag for mum with all the features you want is not easy, in fact the first prototype took several months.

Usually maternity bags don't meet all expectations: maybe you find functionality, but not a nice design, or you like the bag for the first days, but it won't adapt to later needs. You may find the inside of the bag very functional, but the outside has a too childish pattern that doesn't match your style.

And then other drawbacks could occur: you open the bottle, spill the contents and everything gets wet, or you have to take everything out to find what has ended up at the bottom. In addition, the bag may have the typical problem of too short straps that don't allow you to hang it on the stroller...

To be able to have clearer ideas, it was essential to have "focus groups" with mothers from different countries and nationalities. Their expectations, often even different, have provided us with many ideas and confirmed our proposals. During these focus groups we presented the countless products already available on the market, we analyzed them and, by comparing them, we were able to find the ideal solution.

Different possibilities mom bags on the market

Thanks to these wonderful mothers, the first prototype took shape in just a few weeks. Seeing the first prototype, which came to life from the skilled hands of the great leather craftsmen, was an incredible satisfaction!

First mother bag prototype

For us, one of the priorities of the project was that the product be developed by the same hands trusted by the big names in fashion. Looking at the result, we weren't wrong! Not only was the finishing of the bag important, but also the vast experience of the leather craftsmen who provided us with innumerable valuable advice. For the production, we turned to a company that guarantees the highest quality of materials and manufacturing, as required by the high standards of fashion.

After so many months of work the first "real" results are already visible. Let us now take some time to continue with other equally important aspects. These have been busy weeks that have given us great satisfaction.

And voila! The time has come to analyze the results of the first prototype. All possible evaluations must be made to make the bag even more functional. Let's change some aspects and improve still other details. We are towards the second prototype!

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